The Gallery Wall...

Monday, July 15, 2013

We are currently in the process of painting some rooms in our house finally.  When we first moved in over a year ago we didn't feel the need to do anything because we really liked all the colors.  Well, after a year of staring at kid marks(um, not left by my kid) on some of the walls we decided it was time for a change.  The rooms being repainted are:  Upstairs hallway and stair railing, master bedroom and bathroom, basement, and dining room.  Of course this gives me an excuse to redecorate all of these rooms as well!  I will first be working on the hallway(let's be honest, I am working on all the rooms) and am thinking this is a perfect place to house a gallery wall.  I am just trying to decide what kind of gallery wall.  There are so many different versions that could be done.  Do I want all black and white prints,  or do I want just family pictures or some quirky art prints as well?  Thank goodness for Pinspiration= Pinterest+Inspiration!  What did I ever do before Pinterest?  I know, get things done.  Here are some of my faves at the moment. 

              I like the cohesiveness of the all white. Looks very clean yet makes a statement. 

                      Here's a fun quirky wall if I am wanting to add lots of color and art prints.

The monogram wall is always a cute idea but would I get tired of looking at a bunch of "M"'s every time I walked up the stairs?

I know the chalkboard look is way overdone but I still love it!

You can never go wrong with the classic black and white. 

I also found these great helpful tips on making a gallery wall. 

Stay tuned to see which one we decide to go with.  What would you do?

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